Griffin Productions Kicks Off Spring 2013 The Right Way


Here is a recap of some hot projects Griffin Productions has gotten our hands on in the last few months.  It’s SPRING that means, fresh clients, new innovative campaigns, better events and much more!  View the past and most recent projects here.  We also have special deals for design packages and indidual specials for your next designs. Contact for quotes.

Griffin Portfolio Recap

Here is a portfolio recap with over 200 custom designs created by Hakim Griffin and Griffin Productions .  Check out some of the hottest flyers, advertisements illustrations, and more!  If you are interested in booking Hakim for any design jobs contact him at (315) 952-7154 or and  You can also Facebook him at . Like Griffin Productions on Facebook here

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Griffin Productions with Tehmeena Afzal

Griffin Productions has teamed up with video vixen, model, entrepreneur  Tehmeena Afzal in some upcoming campaigns and projects.  Currently they are collaborating with her Playboy Miss Social campaign.  If you are a fan of her and like what you see, become a judge and help her win the #1 spot for May 2012. All you ahve to do is click on the promos or the link below!

Limited Edition Obama Shirts with Griffin Productions

Griffin Productions will be dropping our limited edition Obama Shirts for this 2012 Campaign for re-election for the U.S. Presidency  chair.  “We Did It Before and YES WE CAN DO IT AGAIN” Shirt will be printed and sold in selected stores and available for ordering online.  Announcements for shirt availavility will be posted on Empire Life, Griffin Productions websites and facebook. This shirt was designed by award winning national designer and illustrator Hakim Griffin.  For reservations and ordering, please contact or (Include payment method, size, and the amount of shirts you would like to order).

Griffin Models Coming 2012

Griffin Productions will be launching a series of modeling campaigns with hottest new models in fashion, music entertainment, and more! Be on the lookout for updates throughout this 2012 winter.  Here are some sneak peaks at some of the model promos.

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Brooke Marcucci and Griffin Productions

Here is an updated recap of projects with the model Brooke Maracucci and Griffin Productions. We couldn’t thank her enough for participating and engaging in our different campaigns we have had this 2011 year.  Like her Facebook Page here  check out his page is to promote her aspiring modeling, hairdressing/styling, and makeup artistic skills. Haven’t liked Griffin Productions on Facebook yet? Like it HERE

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Griffin Productions represents and acquires more clients

This 2011 summer Griffin Productions has acquired a decent amount of clients  to the start of this 2011 summer season.  Giving out discounts on designs and promo campaigns, GP Design is your o to source for your visual campaigns. Here are some updates of designs that I have done the last month.